Zum Bedenken
>>For the past two hundred years, atheists have been loudly asserting that the dismissal of God will lead to human liberation. I would strenuously argue precisely the contrary. Once the human being is untethered from God, he becomes, in very short order, an object among objects, and hence susceptible to the grossest manipulation by the powerful and self-interested. In the measure that people still speak of the irreducible dignity of the individual, they are, whether they know it or not, standing upon Biblical foundations. When those foundations are shaken—as they increasingly are today—a culture of death will follow just as surely as night follows day. If there is no God, then human beings are dispensable—so why not trade the organs of infants for a nice Lamborghini?<<
Nun ja, wenn Gott tot ist, ist eben alles erlaubt resp. machbar. Erleben wir doch grade.
Ganzer Artikel hier.
Nun ja, wenn Gott tot ist, ist eben alles erlaubt resp. machbar. Erleben wir doch grade.
Ganzer Artikel hier.
ElsaLaska - 28. Jul, 23:55