"I fell in love with the Latin Mass"
Auf ihrem Blog The Path Less Taken hat die Kollegin Mary O'Regan einen Artikel für den Catholic Herald veröffentlicht, in dem sie Ian, einen jungen Seminaristen porträtiert. Ursprünglich aus einer anglikanischen Familie, konvertierte Ian und besucht nun das Priesterseminar der FSSP in Lincoln, Nebraska.
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Ein Auszug zum Thema außerordentliche Form gleich hier zitiert:
>>At Chavagnes, Ian felt for the first time that he lived “a fully Catholic life”. He clarifies: “I experienced the best of everything that I had seen of the Church: Mass ad orientem, staff and pupils committed to their faith, and we were allowed to say grace before meals.” While working at the school Ian felt the first stirrings of a priestly vocation. He gave a definite Yes to God’s invitation after walking the 2007 Paris to Chartres pilgrimage with a group of boys and teachers from the school. At Chartres Cathedral Ian was overawed by the closing Mass. “I was reduced to tears. Everything in the Mass took on its full spiritual significance. The choir were like angels singing divine praises and the priest was in the form of Christ. At that instant, I said yes to becoming a priest.”<<
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Ein Auszug zum Thema außerordentliche Form gleich hier zitiert:
>>At Chavagnes, Ian felt for the first time that he lived “a fully Catholic life”. He clarifies: “I experienced the best of everything that I had seen of the Church: Mass ad orientem, staff and pupils committed to their faith, and we were allowed to say grace before meals.” While working at the school Ian felt the first stirrings of a priestly vocation. He gave a definite Yes to God’s invitation after walking the 2007 Paris to Chartres pilgrimage with a group of boys and teachers from the school. At Chartres Cathedral Ian was overawed by the closing Mass. “I was reduced to tears. Everything in the Mass took on its full spiritual significance. The choir were like angels singing divine praises and the priest was in the form of Christ. At that instant, I said yes to becoming a priest.”<<
ElsaLaska - 8. Jan, 19:55